Have you ever had an acquaintance who says one thing to your face, but another when you aren’t around? This is what I call feeding someone BS, and I believe it has no place in a private practice. In this article, I’ll dive into the importance of upholding a “No BS Policy” within your practice.
Relationships Determine Success
The quality of a doctor’s relationship with his patient is the determining factor in how well he or she will be able to treat that patient in the long-term. Genuine communication and mutual respect make up the foundation on which the doctor-patient relationship is built.
A doctor-owner of a private practice must also maintain good relationships with their staff in order to keep the team (and patients!) happy. This is the only way to build continuous, sustainable success. I believe that these vital relationships can only be achieved through open and honest communication.
Tell Us What You Really Think
There’s nothing more frustrating than asking a patient about their experience and receiving positive feedback, only to find out later that they left a bad review or spoke poorly about our practice to a friend. Giving positive feedback in order to avoid a potentially awkward conversation doesn’t help anyone. If a patient is dissatisfied with us in any way, for any reason, we want to hear about it! The only way to move forward is to better understand what needs improvement.
Create an Outlet for Conversation
Some people are not good with being asked their opinion on the spot. It’s important to provide a way for both patients and team members to share their true thoughts openly without the fear or embarrassment of in-person confrontations. There are many ways you can do this, including anonymous digital surveys or in-office comment boxes. The more outlets you provide for honest feedback, the more valuable insights you will receive about your practice.
Saving Face Doesn’t Work
As a leader, it’s important that you always own up to your mistakes. The way that you act is an example for your team. If you place the blame on others and never admit to your mistakes (big or small), your staff will inevitably do the same. Making yourself look better in the moment will make you look much worse in the end. By building an environment of humility and forgiveness, you encourage honesty, not BS!
Tell It to Them Straight
This should go without saying, but I have to mention it. Just like you don’t want your patients or team members to BS you, you cannot BS them. Say what you mean in every situation. This doesn’t mean you can be rude or have no filter. There is usually a polite or gentle way of delivering a message. This also doesn’t mean that you can’t change your mind, because of course that will happen from time to time. But, if your position does change, you should be honest about that as well. The truth is always the best way forward!
To learn more about how to run a highly-efficient patient-centric practice, pick up a copy of One Patient At A Time.